arabic.locale translation help needed

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arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von mohousch »

i get finally shaping arabic (hebrew) character in rendered text in neutrino (not finally finished but it works fine now) and i need help, it could be very fine it someone with arabic knowldge can translate the english locale to arabic (see attachement)
PS: the two arabic world in the arabic.locale are copy/paste from internet just only for dummy testing

PS2: the extension .txt its just only to attach this file on this forum ;)
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von mohousch »

* Push up *

Niemand lust dazu mit der gebumpte libfribidi ins git stürzt neutrino gar nicht mehr ab.
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von bravehaa »

Here is an arabic.locale file that I made for you a long time ago and that I posted on HDfreaks. I hope it will help you.
Can you please give me a link for pingulux NHD2 image?
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von mohousch »

For arabic Support in neutrinohd2 fribidi musst be enabled.
May be DBO can provide you a neutrino hd2 with fribidi Support fir pingulux
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

First let me say : I have no Pingulux (7111) only a Triplex (7162).
But I have build for Triplex with --enable-fribidi and integrate the above arabic.locale.
The result was : arabic was chooseable but the most menu entries were empty, only a few ones there was french language.
In Linux I see in the locale file the arabic characters ( I can´t read, but it Looks like ).
I don´t know how to solve this, may be mohousch has any idea.
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von mohousch »

the more local entries from nhd2 are missed in this file and all the other enries are not compatible, i attach an actuell english.local plz try to translate it thx
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von bravehaa »

The arabic.locale that I provided was based on bpanther neutrino. I'll try to translate the one that mohousch has attached.
I'm ready to test any NHD2 image for pingulux.
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von mohousch »

you need to choose a font which provide arabic character (nmsbd for example)
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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

This font isn´t in Neutrino font dir ?
I try do build an Image in the next days. ( It will be a "blind buid" :wink: )
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von DboxOldie » eye glasses have been dirty... :wink:
Now I build for triplex with:
the nmsbd.ttf
No symbols on VFD were shown > is right because Pingulux has None
On VFD only 4 Digits with channel numbers are shon > also right for Pingulux
Dependend on the not complete arabic.locale > it seems it works ?

Now I can try a build for 7111
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MfG DboxOldie

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Re: arabic.locale translation help needed


Beitrag von aness »

First of all many thanks to all Team for this great work
we are ready to help our friends to translate any word to arabic
Good luck to all

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