NHD2 Error log

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NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

Hi guys

I built NHD2 for spark 7111, but I'm facing some bugs:

1- sometimes random reboots while zapping
2- random reboots while loading EPG.

is there any way to log those error in order to see what's wrong and try to fix it?

Another issue but this one affects all neutrino based images, when there is no signal the receiver become buggy and slow, why is that?

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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von mohousch »

i dont know if spark boxes have a serial output elsehwere you can start neutrino in terminal session (default debug level of neutrinohd2 is set to level 2 [debug info] i hope the coming debug information in terminal will help us)
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

mohousch hat geschrieben:i dont know if spark boxes have a serial output elsehwere you can start neutrino in terminal session (default debug level of neutrinohd2 is set to level 2 [debug info] i hope the coming debug information in terminal will help us)
Thank you for your answer
How can I start my spark box in terminal session?
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von mohousch »

telnet to your box

kill neutrino
neutrino &

i think you can not kill neutrino on tdt system there is no halt run level script for this if you kill neutrino the system will shutdown so you must first edir your rcS remove all the line starting neutrino restart box at the end telnet to the box and at give at the prompt:
neutrino &
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

It´s very simple with DDT/tdt :

1. killall rcS <---- to avoid restart Loop
2. killall neutrino <---- killing the gui

after about 2 seconds:

neutrino &

Then you have the log output in Telnet

For restarting the box: simply type init 6
the other possibility:

type simple in Telnet:

This switches the stdout to the Telnet console and you will see a log also.
But !!!! :
In case Neutrino ends with an error > it will restart or reboot
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

Hi guys, here is some errors I got with NHD2 whith spark 7111.

1- Reboot after zapping

Code: Alles auswählen

GM990R:~# setconsole
GM990R:~# [RCU] key: 3f -> 00000000a25dc03f 00 UP SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 67 - UP
****   2959115134 1 ****
KEY_PRESS - 67 1
++++            0 ms ++++
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x67 value 1, translate: 0x67 -cursor up-
CChannelList::quickZap: quick zap selected = 1 getActiveBouquetNumber 0
CChannelList::zapTo me All Services tuned 0 new 1 2M Maroc -> d0800051c
CRemoteControl::zapTo_ChannelID: start_video: 1
CBouquetList::adjustToChannelID to d0800051c
zapit: zapto channel id d0800051c nvod 0
[zapit] saving channel (d08000515), apid 8cb mode 0 volume 48
[zapit] setPidVolume: channel d08000515 pid 8cb percent 0
[pmt] stop update filter
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x73
[zapit] stopPlayBack: standby 0 forced 0
sendcapmtPlayBackStop sending capmtstopplayback... (sendPmt:1)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid 0x8ca
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid 0x8ca
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid 0x8cb
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid 0x8cb
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid 0x8c9
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid 0x8c9
KEY_RELEASE - 67 00 1 1 CAUSE=Timeout
[video_cs.cpp]:Stop blank:1
----          238 ms ----
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[dvb-sub] paused
getFrontend: fe(0,0): (SINGLE) tuned:1 (locked:0) fe_freq: 12015000 fe_TP: 2eeff046000d0800 - chan_freq: 12015 chan_TP: 2eeff046000d0800 sat-position: -70 sat-name:Eutelsat 7 West A / Nilesat 102/201 (7.0W) input-type:1
getFrontend Selected fe: (0,0)
zapit zap to 2M Maroc(d0800051c) fe(0,0)
parse_channel_pat_pmt looking up pids for channel_id (d0800051c)
[zapit] no pmt pid, going to parse pat
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x0 Len=5 Timeout=2000
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: Request of current/next information for d0800051c
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x67 value 0, translate: 0x67 -cursor up-
[pmt]parse_pmt: parsing pmt pid 0x6C
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x6c Len=5 Timeout=1500
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x6c
[pmt]parse_pmt: pcr pid: old 0x0 new 0x3ef
[pmt]parse_ES_info: descriptor_tag: 0x06
[pmt]parse_ES_info: vpid 0x3ef stream 0x02 type 0x00
[pmt]parse_ES_info: apid 0x453 eng
TuxTxt subtitle set pid 0 page 0 lang  (0)
[zapit] getPidVolume: channel d0800051c pid 453 percent 0
[zapit] setVolumePercent: current_volume 25 volume_percent 0 percent 0
[zapit] setVolumePercent: vol 25 current_volume 25 volume_percent 0
[audio_cs.cpp]:setVolume volume: 25
zapit:startPlayBack: vpid 0x3EF apid 0x453 pcrpid 0x3EF
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL BufferSize:65536 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:pesFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid=0x3ef
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Start dmx(0) type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid 0x3ef
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL BufferSize:65536 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:pesFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid=0x453
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Start dmx(0) type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid 0x453
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL BufferSize:65536 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:pesFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid=0x3ef
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Start dmx(0) type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid 0x3ef
[audio_cs.cpp]:SetEncoding - Encodingtype=AUDIO_ENCODING_MPEG2
[zapit] starting MPEG2 audio Pid: 0x453
[video_cs.cpp]:SetEncoding - Encoding=VIDEO_ENCODING_MPEG2
[zapit] starting MPEG2 video Pid: 0x3ef
sendCaPmtPlayBackStart sending capmt....
CCam::setCaPmt: demux_index:(0) camask:(1) update:(no)
[CBasicClient] connect failed.
/tmp/camd.socket: No such file or directory
CEventServer::sendEvent2Client >
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[pmt] pmt_set_update_filter: sid 0x51c pid 0x6c version 0x2
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x6c Len=5 Timeout=0
zapTo_ChannelID: zapit OK, chid d0800051c
CEventServer::sendEvent2Client >
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: timeout EVT_ZAP current_channel_idd0800051c data d0800051c
[sectionsd] commandserviceChanged: Service changed to d0800051c
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:524288 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x12 Len=1 Timeout=2000
[sectionsd] stop eit update filter
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:524288 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x12 Len=1 Timeout=2000
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:3072000 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0xf02
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0xf02
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:327680 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0xf02 Len=1 Timeout=0
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x39
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x39
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:3072000 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x39 Len=1 Timeout=0
CVFD::ShowText: [0002]
CRemoteControl::processAPIDnames: apid name= eng (English) pid= 0x453
CRemoteControl::processAPIDnames: pref_found -1 pref_ac3_found -1 ac3_found -1
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
CEventServer::sendEvent2Client >
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: Request of current/next information for d0800051c
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: !myNextEvent 
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: current EPG found. service_id: 51c, flag: 0x5
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: *nextEvt not from cur/next V1!
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: commandCurrentNextInfoChannelID change2 flag: 0x05
CInfoViewer::getEPG: old uniqueKey d080005150179 new d0800051c016e
Bus error
neutrino ended <- RTV:  135
starting neutrino ->
INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
lircd-0.9.0[689]: removed client
Sending all processes the TERM signal...Connection closed by foreign host.
2- Reboot after pressing right key on channel list

Code: Alles auswählen

GM990R:~# setconsole
GM990R:~# [RCU] key: 05 -> 00000000a25dfa05 00 OK SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 160 - OK
****        24963 3 ****
KEY_PRESS - 160 3
++++            0 ms ++++
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x160 value 1, translate: 0x160 -ok-
CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: ZAP START: bouquetList a977f0 size 3 old_b 0
KEY_RELEASE - 160 00 3 3 CAUSE=Timeout
[RCU] key: 05 -> 00000000a25dfa05 01 OK SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 160 - OK
****          135 3 ****
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x160 value 0, translate: 0x160 -ok-
----          103 ms ----
[RCU] key: fd -> 00000000a25d02fd 00 RIGHT SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 6A - RIGHT
****         3439 4 ****
KEY_PRESS - 6a 4
++++            0 ms ++++
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x6A value 1, translate: 0x6A -cursor right-
KEY_RELEASE - 6a 00 4 4 CAUSE=Timeout
Bus error
neutrino ended <- RTV:  135
starting neutrino ->
INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
lircd-0.9.0[689]: removed client
Sending all processes the TERM signal...Connection closed by foreign host.
3- Error channel not available even if signal is strong

Code: Alles auswählen

GM990R:~# [RCU] key: 3f -> 00000000a25dc03f 00 UP SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 67 - UP
****        11362 4 ****
KEY_PRESS - 67 4
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x67 value 1, translate: 0x67 -cursor up-
CChannelList::quickZap: quick zap selected = 19 getActiveBouquetNumber 0
CChannelList::zapTo me All Services tuned 18 new 19 MBC 1 -> 1c08000af2
CRemoteControl::zapTo_ChannelID: start_video: 1
CBouquetList::adjustToChannelID to 1c08000af2
++++            6 ms ++++
zapit: zapto channel id 1c08000af2 nvod 0
[zapit] saving channel (b0800044e), apid 3fb mode 0 volume 0
[zapit] setPidVolume: channel b0800044e pid 3fb percent 0
[pmt] stop update filter
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x66
[zapit] stopPlayBack: standby 0 forced 0
sendcapmtPlayBackStop sending capmtstopplayback... (sendPmt:1)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fa
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_VIDEO_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fa
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fb
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_AUDIO_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fb
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fa
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PCR_ONLY_CHANNEL Pid 0x3fa
KEY_RELEASE - 67 00 4 4 CAUSE=Timeout
[RCU] key: 3f -> 00000000a25dc03f 01 UP SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 67 - UP
****          141 4 ****
[video_cs.cpp]:Stop blank:1
----           94 ms ----
TuxTxt stopping subtitle thread ...
[dvb-sub] paused
getFrontend: fe(0,0): (SINGLE) tuned:1 (locked:0) fe_freq: 11823000 fe_TP: 2e2ff046000b0800 - chan_freq: 11919 chan_TP: 2e8ff046001c0800 sat-position: -70 sat-name:Eutelsat 7 West A / Nilesat 102/201 (7.0W) input-type:1
getFrontend Selected fe: (0,0)
zapit zap to MBC 1(1c08000af2) fe(0,0)
CFrontend::setInput: fe(0,0) SatellitePosition 0 -> -70
CFrontend::setLnbOffsets: fe(0,0) setLnbOffsets 9750000/10600000/11700000
CFrontend::secSetTone: fe(0,0) tone off
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[sectionsd] sectionsd_getCurrentNextServiceKey: Request of current/next information for 1c08000af2
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x67 value 0, translate: 0x67 -cursor up-
CFrontend::tuneChannel: fe(0,0) tpid 2e8ff046001c0800
CFrontend::secSetVoltage: fe(0,0) voltage 18
CFrontend::secSetTone: fe(0,0) tone on
CFrontend::setParameters: fe(0,0) freq= 1319000 (offset= 10600000) fec= 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: unknown FEC: 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: FEC FEC_NONE system DVB-S modulation QPSK
cFrontend::getEvent: fe(0,0) max timeout: 9000
poll has event after: 0 msec (min 0 max 167)
poll has event after: 146 msec (min 0 max 167)
cFrontend::getEvent fe(0,0) FE_HAS_LOCK: freq 1319000
CFrontend::setParameters: fe(0,0) tuned
parse_channel_pat_pmt looking up pids for channel_id (1c08000af2)
[pmt]parse_pmt: parsing pmt pid 0xFB4
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0xfb4 Len=5 Timeout=1500
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
cDemux::Read: Connection timed out
[pmt]parse_pmt: dmx read failed
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0xfb4
[zapit] pmt parsing failed
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x0 Len=5 Timeout=2000
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x0
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
[zapit] trying again
parse_channel_pat_pmt looking up pids for channel_id (1c08000af2)
[pmt]parse_pmt: parsing pmt pid 0xFB4
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0xfb4 Len=5 Timeout=1500
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
cDemux::Read: Connection timed out
[pmt]parse_pmt: dmx read failed
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0xfb4
[zapit] pmt parsing failed
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:1024 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x0 Len=5 Timeout=2000
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x0
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
zapTo_ChannelID: zapit failed, chid 1c08000af2
CEventServer::sendEvent2Client >
[video_cs.cpp]:getAspectRatio (ratio=0)
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
CRemoteControl::handleMsg: timeout EVT_ZAP current_channel_id1c08000af2 data 1c08000af2
[video_cs.cpp]:getPictureInfo < w 720, h 576, r 151
CVFD::ShowText: [0019]
CInfoViewer::handleMsg: zap failed!
[dvb-sub] start, stopped 1 pid 0
TuxTxt subtitle unpause, running 0 pid 0 page 0
4- Reboot after pressing EPG key

Code: Alles auswählen

GM990R:~# [RCU] key: 45 -> 00000000a25dba45 00 EPG SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 16D - EPG
****        17753 7 ****
KEY_PRESS - 16d 7
++++            0 ms ++++
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x16D value 1, translate: 0x16D -epg-
KEY_RELEASE - 16d 00 7 7 CAUSE=Timeout
[RCU] key: 45 -> 00000000a25dba45 01 EPG SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 16D - EPG
****          138 7 ****
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x16D value 0, translate: 0x16D -epg-
----           98 ms ----
[eitThread] skipping to next filter(2) (> DMX_HAS_ALL_SECTIONS_SKIPPING)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:3072000 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x12 Len=1 Timeout=10000
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x14
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:3072000 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x12 Len=1 Timeout=0
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Close type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
cDemux::Open /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 type:DMX_PSI_CHANNEL BufferSize:3072000 source(0)
[dmx_cs.cpp]:sectionFilter dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid=0x12 Len=1 Timeout=0
[dmx_cs.cpp]:Stop dmx(0) type=DMX_PSI_CHANNEL Pid 0x12
[RCU] key: 45 -> 00000000a25dba45 00 EPG SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 16D - EPG
****        25576 8 ****
KEY_PRESS - 16d 8
++++            0 ms ++++
CRCInput::getMsg_us: type: 0x1 key: 0x16D value 1, translate: 0x16D -epg-
[RCU] key: 45 -> 00000000a25dba45 01 EPG SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 16D - EPG
****          108 8 ****
++++           26 ms ++++
KEY_RELEASE - 16d 00 8 8 CAUSE=Timeout
[RCU] key: 45 -> 00000000a25dba45 02 EPG SPARK(default)

KEY by code: 16D - EPG
****          135 8 ****
----          102 ms ----
Bus error
neutrino ended <- RTV:  135
starting neutrino ->
INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
lircd-0.9.0[689]: removed client
Sending all processes the TERM signal...Connection closed by foreign host.
Beiträge: 5423
Registriert: Sa 6. Aug 2011, 15:21
Hat sich bedankt: 79 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 298 Mal

Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

The fault at no. 3:
I haven´t this satelite but:

Code: Alles auswählen

CFrontend::setParameters: fe(0,0) freq= 1319000 (offset= 10600000) fec= 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: unknown FEC: 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: FEC FEC_NONE system DVB-S modulation QPSK
[zapit] pmt parsing failed
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
[zapit] trying again
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
zapTo_ChannelID: zapit failed, chid 1c08000af2
this seems to me, that in your sattelites.xml and/or services.xml is the wrong FEC ??

The other errors ( always Bus error ) occure after a "paint" or showing EPG.
In all of them : painting text.....

I remember you asked some time ago for arabic text using with fribidi.
Do you build with : --enable-fribidi ?
MfG DboxOldie

KEIN SUPPORT PER PN > Bitte das Forum benutzen und ins Wiki schauen

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Registrierte Benutzer
Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Sa 14. Mär 2015, 18:40
Hat sich bedankt: 0
Danksagung erhalten: 0

Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

DboxOldie hat geschrieben:The fault at no. 3:
I haven´t this satelite but:

Code: Alles auswählen

CFrontend::setParameters: fe(0,0) freq= 1319000 (offset= 10600000) fec= 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: unknown FEC: 0
CFrontend::setFrontend: fe(0,0) DEMOD: FEC FEC_NONE system DVB-S modulation QPSK
[zapit] pmt parsing failed
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
[zapit] trying again
parse_pat: sid 0xAF2 not found..
pat parsing failed
zapTo_ChannelID: zapit failed, chid 1c08000af2
this seems to me, that in your sattelites.xml and/or services.xml is the wrong FEC ??

The other errors ( always Bus error ) occure after a "paint" or showing EPG.
In all of them : painting text.....

I remember you asked some time ago for arabic text using with fribidi.
Do you build with : --enable-fribidi ?
Thank you for your answer Dbo
yes, indeed I built it with : --enable-fribidi , I put the patch that you gave me in /Patches/build-neutrino/. it worked for NHD2 but not for the cst-next.
I'll try to change the satellites.xml
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

NHD2 doesn´t need a patch: just add --enable-fribidi in the configure part of neutrino.mk
But at my last test I do I have seen that this is quite buggy when used.
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von mohousch »

i have the same problem here on embeded linux STB, fribidi is only on x86 running properly, try to build without fribidi support and report please if the Bus error bug still occur
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

Change this and try:

Code: Alles auswählen

diff --git a/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp b/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
index 5a661a4..b01544e 100644
--- a/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
+++ b/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ std::string fribidiShapeChar(const char * text)
 		char * Rtl = NULL;
 		// logical to visual
-		if (fribidi_log2vis(Logical, len, &Base, Visual, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
+		if (fribidi_log2vis(Logical, RtlLen, &Base, Visual, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
 			Rtl = (char *)alloca(sizeof(char)*(RtlLen * 4 + 1));
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

DboxOldie hat geschrieben:Change this and try:

Code: Alles auswählen

diff --git a/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp b/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
index 5a661a4..b01544e 100644
--- a/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
+++ b/src/driver/fontrenderer.cpp
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ std::string fribidiShapeChar(const char * text)
 		char * Rtl = NULL;
 		// logical to visual
-		if (fribidi_log2vis(Logical, len, &Base, Visual, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
+		if (fribidi_log2vis(Logical, RtlLen, &Base, Visual, NULL, NULL, NULL)) 
 			Rtl = (char *)alloca(sizeof(char)*(RtlLen * 4 + 1));

this must be changed in the patch file?
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Registriert: Sa 6. Aug 2011, 15:21
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

bravehaa hat geschrieben:this must be changed in the patch file?
directly in your local nhd2 source, no other patch only with --enable-fribidi in neutrino.mk file configure part
And withouth a new pull > only : make neutrino-hd2-exp-clean
build new with:
make yaud-neutrino-hd2-exp

For Neutrino MP:
Initiate a new pull with: make neutrino-mp-cst-next-distclean. ( actually fribidi support for arabic is inserted, no patch needed )
Build new with :
make yaud-neutrino-mp-cst-next

You only have to add the fontfile ( nmsbd.ttf ) and the arabic.locale in the ready image.

Then select the font and arabic > it will work
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

Thank you, I'll try it tonight :)
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Re: NHD2 Error log


Beitrag von bravehaa »

:oops: Sorry Dbo for my newbie question, but I'm now in the NHD2 source folder, and I don't know in which file I must add/change the code that you gave me.

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