Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?

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Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von zozman »

--- My device has a dreambox 900 UHD ( Arm BCM 7252s )

If your valuable time permits...

Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?

Note that the image of Protek 4k worked on my device with some errors..

Code: Alles auswählen

root@dm900:~# parted /dev/mmcblk0 print
Model: MMC 4FPD3R (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 3909MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:

Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name    Flags
 1      1049kB  33.6MB  32.5MB               kernel
 2      33.6MB  1074MB  1040MB  ext4         rootfs
 3      1074MB  3909MB  2835MB  ext4         data

root@dm900:~# cat /proc/mtd
dev:    size   erasesize  name
mtd0: 00200000 00010000 "flash0.bolt"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "flash0.nvram"
mtd2: 00020000 00010000 "flash0.devtree"
mtd3: 00dc0000 00010000 "flash0.recovery"
mtd4: 02000000 00010000 "flash0"

root@dm900:~# cat /proc/stb/lcd/xres
root@dm900:~# cat /proc/stb/lcd/yres
root@dm900:~# cat /proc/stb/lcd/bpp
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atef 0 (Di 14. Mai 2024, 21:29)
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

zozman hat geschrieben: Di 14. Mai 2024, 21:13 My device has a dreambox 900 UHD ( Arm BCM 7252s )
Sorry, but currently no. I'm not building images for devices I not have, but I'm trying now the DM820, but I can't fix all problems because I can't test anything. A DM820 may I have in a few weeks for testing, but no other DM. I have a DM8000 and a DM800. And for the DM800 kernel patch missing, build not possible.
zozman hat geschrieben: Di 14. Mai 2024, 21:13Note that the image of Protek 4k worked on my device with some errors..
I don't build the Protek 4K. The E4HD is similar, but not the same, so the image must not working. But, which errors?
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
zozman (Di 14. Mai 2024, 21:42) • atef 0 (Di 14. Mai 2024, 21:45)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
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Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von zozman »

--- Sometimes the device reboots..

The front light keeps blinking...

The front lcd is not working....
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atef 0 (Di 14. Mai 2024, 22:44)
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

Is this a build for the Protek 4K or do you have used the E4HD image? The Protek 4K may have some other device structure or values.

echo on > /proc/stb/power/standbyled

This should switch the LED from red to blue. Not reversible until restart.

If the device reboots then may a crash of e2/neutrino the cause. This can be have different problems. Too much m3u and logos and so on. I use swap for my e4hd, so the RAM is ok and no crashs. The last and longest runtime was more than 3 weeks without any reboots of the device.

Currently "only" 6 days. :)

Code: Alles auswählen

e4hdultra:~# uptime && free
 22:02:19 up 6 days,  5:54,  load average: 0.34, 0.44, 0.50
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        2066436     1812592      242712          72       11132      243972
Swap:       1049596      125028      924568
The front LCD can be used with GraphLCD (GLCD). This should be active by default.

EDIT: I forgot: I have the 8 GB Flash version of the box, but also the 4 GB Flash version works with the same settings.
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zozman (Di 14. Mai 2024, 22:12) • atef 0 (Di 14. Mai 2024, 22:16)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
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Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von zozman »

now...with your image ( E4HD )

You should skip the black screen on boot...

Code: Alles auswählen

killall -9 neutrino

red light blinking..

Code: Alles auswählen

e4hdultra:~# echo on > /proc/stb/power/standbyled
-sh: can't create /proc/stb/power/standbyled: nonexistent directory

Graph lcd is Actived....But lcd screen is not working..


Can't take screenshots...with the browser...
Zuletzt geändert von zozman am Di 14. Mai 2024, 23:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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atef 0 (Mi 15. Mai 2024, 14:12)
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

If you need kill neutrino if black screen, check your HDMI cable. This is not normal and I don't have this on any box. But how I sayed, the E4HD image is not the same as the Protek 4K image. If you use the E4HD image (no changes) /proc/stb/power/standbyled should be exist, because this device is created by the kernel modules. Very strange at your device. And also the lcd should work. Then is the Protek 4K too much different to the E4HD if not working . Ok, the tuner also not working between both.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
zozman (Di 14. Mai 2024, 23:25) • atef 0 (Mi 15. Mai 2024, 14:12)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
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Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von zozman »

images ( Protek4k + E4HD ) from other site..boot and tuners is working...


About your image ( E4hd )...tuner is working ..channels also ..


Power file not found....

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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

Hmm, here there is it at e4hd:

Then has the Protek 4K more changes to the E4HD. Maybe the standbyled can be found in another directory (if exist).
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zozman (Mi 15. Mai 2024, 00:23)
Bewertung: 6.25%
MfG BPanther
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Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
atef 0
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von atef 0 »

I had my brother test the Dream Box 900 image
The image works after giving the killall -9 neutrino command to the neutrino after starting operation
Also, there is no signal on the tuner, but the channels are being searched
Unfortunately, my brother is far away from me. He is in Egypt and I am in Jordan. Otherwise, I would have gotten the device to test myself
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BPanther (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:18) • zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:22)
Bewertung: 12.5%
Boxs using NMP:
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

The new neutrino binary in Experimentell should fix the first start problem. Maybe the same as the DM820.

Same tuner, same sig/snr problem. No problem, hope now also fixed.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:41) • atef 0 (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:57)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
KEIN SUPPORT PER PN -> Bitte das Forum nutzen und das Wiki lesen.

Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

Moved to new DM900 UHD area. :)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
atef 0 (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:57) • zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 17:58)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
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Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
atef 0
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von atef 0 »

Now the image works without giving the command
The signal is also present on frequencies
4k channels play only sound and no picture ... 2fc6e8df5b
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor atef 0 für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
BPanther (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 18:14) • zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 20:20)
Bewertung: 12.5%
Boxs using NMP:
Beiträge: 13718
Registriert: Do 11. Jan 2007, 00:06
Wohnort: Berlin
Hat sich bedankt: 718 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 1884 Mal

Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

OK, Experimentell with new neutrino binary for UHD channels.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
atef 0 (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 18:24) • zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 20:20)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
KEIN SUPPORT PER PN -> Bitte das Forum nutzen und das Wiki lesen.

Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
atef 0
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Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von atef 0 »

Unfortunately, UHD channels are still not working
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor atef 0 für den Beitrag:
zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 20:21)
Bewertung: 6.25%
Boxs using NMP:
Beiträge: 13718
Registriert: Do 11. Jan 2007, 00:06
Wohnort: Berlin
Hat sich bedankt: 718 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 1884 Mal

Re: Is it possible to make an image of a neutrino...?


Beitrag von BPanther »

Fixed, there was a def missing...
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor BPanther für den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
atef 0 (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 19:59) • zozman (Sa 25. Mai 2024, 20:21)
Bewertung: 12.5%
MfG BPanther
KEIN SUPPORT PER PN -> Bitte das Forum nutzen und das Wiki lesen.

Bild Bild
Thx udog für das Bild.
TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))

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