external subtitles

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external subtitles


Beitrag von wavegs »

can you please let me know if the internal movie player supports external subtitles
and in which code-format
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Re: external subtitles


Beitrag von BPanther »

External subtitles not working. Testet with the example mkv (with included subtitles) and a avi file with external srt file.
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wavegs (Mi 3. Jun 2020, 13:35)
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TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Registriert: Fr 29. Mai 2020, 14:49
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Re: external subtitles


Beitrag von wavegs »

BPanther hat geschrieben: Mo 1. Jun 2020, 12:30 Hi.
External subtitles not working. Testet with the example mkv (with included subtitles) and a avi file with external srt file.
thank you
i tested with mkv included Greek and English subtitles
it possible to see sub attachment with yellow button (audio - subtitles)
but don't play them

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