HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player question

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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

The experiment would be that de diver reports nothing if the value of "lock" is 0x01, 0x02 or 0x04.

But if "lock" is 0x08, the driver would report the chip has found FE_HAS_SIGNAL and FE_HAS_CARRIER and FE_HAS_VITERBI and FE_HAS_SYNC and FE_HAS_LOCK at the same time.

Maybe there is something that gets stuck on the FE_HAS_SIGNAL and FE_HAS_CARRIER state (hey, something is happening, let's try one more second... hey, something...). And by not giving these signals unless there actually is error correction active and a lock to the signal we can prevent that. Just as an experiment; it is not a clean solution maybe.

If it is not too hard to set up a build environment (a VM or under Linux) I can also try myself. Any hints to set it up?


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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von BPanther »

Hmm, I can test it, but I think the main problem maybe the driver (cx24116), because other driver have not (or not so bad) this problem.

A VM/real linux for building is described at the git itself (HERE), the required link for the base from here you can find at the board portal (klick the changelog link and then above the checkout link at gitorious).
MfG BPanther
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TV: Sony Bravia KDL-46HX755
Boxen mit NMP und Unicable2 (Jess):
SH4: 7x UFS910 (1W, 128MB), 1x UFS910 (14W, 64MB), 1x UFS912, 2x UFS913, 1x AV700, 1x AV7000, 1x AV7500 (DVB-S/C/T), 1x Edision Argus Pingulux, 1x Vizyon820HD
MIPS: 1x VU+DUO, 1x VU+DUO2, 1x DM7020, 1x DM8000, 1x DM820, 1x DM7080
ARM: 3x AX 4K HD51 (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2), 1x VU+Solo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C/T/T2 (DUAL)), 1x VU+Duo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 3x E4HD 4K Ultra (DVB-S/SX/C/T/T2)
ARM: 1x VU+Duo4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 1x VU+Ultimo4K (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (DUAL)), 1x VU+Uno4KSE (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/C (FBC)), 2x VU+Zero4K (DVB-S/SX)
ARM: 1x DM900 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple)), 1x DM920 (DVB-S/SX (FBC)/S/C/T/T2 (Tripple))
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

I also guess that the tuner/driver is too sensitive in suggesting a signal, which stops scanning from going forward when there is no signal. That is my thought about suppressing the SIGNAL/CARRIER states.

An idea for someone with a different receiver than the UFS-910:
- telnet to the receiver and type: setconsole
- do a (manual) scan on a non working frequency/symbol rate.

Check if messages like:


scroll by, and how quickly. On the UFS-910 it is about 2 per second. If other boxes produce less, that could be the difference.
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von DboxOldie »

It´s a known issue that the ufs910 don´t like empty transponders.
The best way is : to delete those in the satellites.xml an if there are services with those tp´s > also in the services.xml.
And scanning without NIT.
Other stb´s like my ufs913 have no problem with that.
May be it is a driver Problem or of the 32KB binary tuner firmware, which is loaded at every boot in the tuner.
MfG DboxOldie

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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

I have experimented a bit more and I am very happy.

The image seems stable now for normal use since I have disabled the small TV image in the channel list (or was it service scan? I do not remember, maybe I am confused as I cannot find that menu option again). I had the box hang often with just the TV image drawn in the upper right corner and a half drawn menu.

And for scanning? If it is problematic I just let it run during the night. It worked for arabsat, of which half the transponders don't work on my small dish.

I have HighSR and UseUnknown off at the moment.

Thanks for the great software!
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

One more question, but maybe it is a known issue: the EPG for 28.2 is misbehaving.

It shows program names such as:

Xth Nera
Xth a Spis Eaylerdind...

in the long term EPG. The names of the Now&Next from the channel itself are correct. Also, in merging something seems to go wrong:

It is now 16.02 and the EPG shows:

15.30 The Stream
16.00 Newshour
17.00 News Live
10.00 Xth Nera
10.30 Xththterand
11.00 Xth Nera
12.00 Xththtory

Is there something te reset or install, or is this a known bug?


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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von mohousch »

take a look at CONFIG path if there is file named enconding.conf?
this file is needed by the epg handler (eitd) to decode rightlly the epg ;)

or, is the epg on 28.2 freesatepg? maybe this feature is disabled in NMP ;)
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

encoding.conf is there, but it seems to contain no lines for Astra 2 / 28.2.

A quick google search also doesn't turn up examples to add this... pity.

In any case,

Merry Christmas!
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

It is strange that the UK EPG on 28.2 is almost working, but just not really correct. The programs that are not "now and next" have the destription messed up only in the beginning, but the end is readable.

Also the corruption seems the same every time.

For example:

Tendinesinestional and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by weather [...

Xty Roro O...
Terig ocovizad e bar f Car n ofection Patrice Naiambana reads from St.Matthew's account of the birth of Jesus, followed by the Sussex Carol performed by the King's College choir [...
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von BrechREiZ »

The BSkyB EPG seems to be a bit special.
There are also workarounds for Enigma. That's not a neutrino problem ;)
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von mohousch »

BrechREiZ hat geschrieben:The BSkyB EPG seems to be a bit special.
There are also workarounds for Enigma. That's not a neutrino problem ;)
the enigma2 workaround is ported to neutrino and it works great ;) just enable freesatepg by compiling neutrino and dont forget to copy the hoffman tables to config path ;)
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

The strange thing is that only the beginning of the text is corrupted. See the examples below:

Xthtur Hore Fret
Tendsio Inal f asks the all-important question as contestants take on the Banker in their quest to win £250,000. In a new twist, brave winners can open Box 23, in a bid to double their money. [AD,S]

Tends tho tstoatind s tandy teisimeatog.atrsopp makes some Indian street food. Jamie cooks shellfish. Jimmy makes charcuterie. And Jamie and Jimmy mix the long-forgotten drink huckle my buff. [AD,S]

Something seems to go wrong decoding the beginning of each program. But further on the text is decoded correctly.

Some are totally incorrect, but this is rare:

Xththt ais Norim Doyea T...
Tends Pat Pazanche t Bach tiniv.. t f linchackecly Cled N...

The title however never is correct. Only for the now/next programmes there is no problem.
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von mohousch »

which neutrino are u using?
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von sympa »

I am using rev6042. rev6014 had the same issue.

This is with the UK EPG.
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Re: HD stops working after zapping, plus movie player questi


Beitrag von mohousch »

i dont know about this issue in NMP

if you have enought time you can test NHD2 image for UFS910 (from udog), i've get feedback from ukcvs forum that BBC epg ist working rightly

for more information about NHD2 see my sig ;)

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